Monday, May 24, 2010

Teenage Pregnancy

Did you know that over 1 million teens get pregnant each year? We must be aware of the causes and effects of teenage pregnancies because there are young girls all over the United States getting pregnant. The younest girl in the in ther United States to get pregnant was ten years old. 10 percent of all (15-19) years old become pregnant being sexually active, one out of every five teenage girls who are sexually active will become pregnant. 70 percent of the teenage pregnancies are fathered by men older than twenty years old. Approximately 1/4 of teenage mothers have a second child within two years of their first.

There are many reasons why girls get pregnant but some of the main reasons are love from their boyfriend, unconditional & accepting from a baby, and the biggest one, they dont think it could happen to them. Most of the time girls feel like they need love from their boyfriend because they don't have the love or a relationship with their father and are seeking it from a boyfriend and never mean to get pregnant. When some teeenage girls have babies, they seek unconditional & accepting love from their babies. They know that it's someone who constantly depends on them and will never turn their backs on them.

Another topic i would like to talk about is some of the main causes of teenage pregnancies. Some of the main causes that i would like to talk about are the lack of education on safe sex be it from parents or school, and longterm relationships, a random hook up or a rape situation. The lack education is one of the big issues because may teenagers are not taught methods of birth control. Sometimes peers pressure them into sex before they are ready. The other main causes that i have chosen are really important to me because these could result in in ill-effects on teenagers. Having to undergo an unplanned pregnancy can be quite difficult for a young girl and this may cause tremendous mental and physical strain.

One of the biggest effects on teenage pregnancy is their emotions. Some of the emotional effects are confusion, fear, frustration, and resentment. Confusion is one of the emotion that pregnant teens go thourgh. When confused they dont know what to do with their lives. Also they feel like they're not capable of taking care of traking care of a child and this may resort in abortion. Another emotion is fear. The young teenager could fear har parents and society. She may also fear that her partner will leave her because she is pregnant. Aside from confusion and fear the teeenage mother may mat acutually resent her pregnancy because she is not ready to face consequenses of such. She may eventually realize that pregnancy is difficult, as well as childbirth and motherhood. Frustration usually happens after the child is born she may feel that being a mother restricts her higher capabilities and potentials. This is primarly because it can affect ones oppurtunities of a higher education. One more big effect on teenage pregnancy is financial. Most mothers who have their first pregnancy in their teenage years usually have a monthly income that is fifty percent less than what other women earn. However, most teenage mothers actually become financially dependent on their famlies. In cases where the family is not financially capable to take care of the teen and her child, she is forced to look for meager ways to earn a living. Teen pregnancy also costs the United States at least 7 billion dollars anually.

In conclusion teenage pregnancy has an effect on the mother, child and society. Being a teen mother is very difficult and most teens end up having another just to feel love and to have someone constantly depend on them. Some also think that if they have a child it would bring their partner closer to them. Most teenage girls are single mothers because their partner walks out on them, so we must be aware of the causes and effects of teenage pregnancies before you decide to have one of your own.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Duties and Responsibilities

The difference between duties and responsibilities are duties you have to do and responsibilities you have a choice. There are many examples of duties such as obeying the law, attending school, paying taxes and appearing in court. As well as duties there are many responsibilities such as helping your community, voting, taking part in government and respecting and protecting the rights of others.

Out of all the responsibilities, in my opinion, I think that helping your community and respecting and protecting others' rights is the most important. My reason for saying this is because helping community helps improve your neighborhood and also your town or city. The most important to me is respecting and protecting others rights --without this responsibility, there would be fights and killings everyday.

Some examples for helping community are helping out at the public library or maybe even helping serve the poor and elderly residents who cant care for themselves. There are many examples for respecting and protecting others but mostly, I need to be aware of what everyone's rights are and not violate them.